• 23 May 2024



 New cellulite cream from Natura Vitalis hits the spot

Tuesday evening the time had finally come: after just two months of preparation, the network marketing company Natura Vitalis launched its brand new anti-cellulite cream live from its in-house TV studio. It was also broadcast on all team partner websites. According to the company, the response to the innovative liposomal anti-cellulite cream was absolutely overwhelming. Within a very short space of time, Natura Vitalis experienced a veritable run on the product, which brought the servers to the brink of collapse.


The pre-programme was hosted by the charismatic presenters and Natura Vitalis team partners Thorsten Kersting and Anja Abel, who led through the evening with routine and enthusiasm. Particularly spectacular was the live switch-on moment of company founder Frank Felte, who spoke personally about the unique mode of action of the cream called "Burn your Cellulite". Frank Felte explained that the proprietary active ingredient complex penetrates deep into the layers of the skin, effectively reducing fat cells. According to the company, the innovative liposomal technology enables a targeted and lasting effect that is likely to put previous products far in the shade, as the formula is probably unique in this form.

The sales success of "Burn your Cellulite" was sensational. Within minutes, demand was enormous, which not only pushed the servers to their limits, but also boosted the careers of Thorsten Kersting and Anja Abel. Both of them even jumped up a level in the company's career plan as a result of this success.


However, not only the sales figures, but also the number of new recruits recorded a significant increase. Cellulite is a major issue worldwide and many people are looking for effective solutions. Natura Vitalis seems to have struck a chord here and offers many new sales partners a promising business opportunity.


According to founder Frank Felte, the launch of "Burn your Cellulite" was a complete success and marks a milestone in the history of Natura Vitalis. The combination of innovative technology, an impressive live presentation and the strong demand for effective anti-cellulite products has shown that Natura Vitalis has its finger on the pulse and is ready to set new standards in the beauty and health market. The product will be delivered in mid-June.


So the future looks promising and it remains exciting to see how this success will develop.

Published on: https://netcoo.com/neuartige-cellulite-creme-von-natura-vitalis-schlaegt-voll-ein/